Welcome to Season 8 of the Hard Water Fishing Show
Season 8 of the Hard Water Fishing Show is going to be the best yet. This year we will publish our 100th episode of the show. Thank you to all the loyal listeners for listening and downloading the show over 225,000 times. A special thank you to the patrons of the show for helping cover the costs of producing the show.
This year along with putting out our podcast episodes we will add online content to go along with it on this blog. Look posts on tactics, gear and ice fishing legends.
our first episode has already been released. In season 8 episode 1 we talk about current events and ice fishing last February on Lake Winnibigoshish. In the picture below you can see Jason fishing on the lake. There was almost no ice on the lake and it was a really great late winter day.
Ice Fishing Winnie
We have lots of ideas for the rest of the season. Episode two is recorded and I need to get editing it. I would expect it to be released very soon. This season we have more guests . Cover the latest ice fishing gear. Go on some larks and do some local fishing. Make sure to check your favorite podcast app to listen
Tight Lines - Cheers